Why Virtual Interior Design is the Future of the Home Furnishings Industry

You’ve heard me talk about virtual interior design before, but this month, I’m making a bold prediction: virtual interior design is the future of the furnishings industry. Here’s why…
The Realities of the Home Industry in 2022
Back in spring 2021, I shared how the previous year’s global events had changed interior design. I can hardly believe I’m saying this a full year later, but the situation still hasn’t changed much. Lead times for furnishings and home professionals continue to grow, many materials are still hard to come by, and don’t even get me started on shipping.
But…something miraculous has happened.
As usual when there are challenges, humanity finds ways to rise and meet them. Instead of waiting in long lines, homeowners are turning to more hands-on solutions. Businesses are finding ways to create more options for accessing home furnishings. Small suppliers are now more likely to be discovered.
& in our case, we’ve created a smart, new way to help you regain control of your projects with Virtual Design…and it’s working!
I know all of these changes came out of the global shut-down, but if you ask me, I think our industry was headed in this direction anyway. Even our past Luxury Full-Service Design clients (with high five- and six-figure budgets) oftentimes wanted to do some of the hands-on ordering and installation work themselves.
In my 10+ years in the home industry, I’ve never seen so many clients wanting to be involved in creating their home. Which is why I also strongly believe we’re all here to stay.
So, what is replacing done-for-you, full-service design? Come meet Virtual Interior Design…

What is Virtual Interior Design?
Styleberry’s mission includes empowering women with a plan, the right tools, and the confidence to succeed. I knew there was a different way to offer quality, luxury furnishings (sometimes mixed with not-so-luxury items) and customized design in a more accessible way.
The result? Virtual Interior Design.
First, let me say that Virtual Interior Design is not bare bones e-design. I repeat, NOT e-design. Many e-designers have only worked in the online space (not in luxury design), and therefore do not have the acumen for fine and durable furnishings. That, and many e-designers are sourcing furnishings solely from their partner sponsors, giving you a less custom and less personal result.
By comparison, Virtual Interior Design is as close to a professionally designed interior you can get without having us physically in your home:
- Receive a professional, custom design of your space without the concierge/full-service designer fees.
- Renderings, purchase links, & resources make it effortless to bring the design to life yourself.
- Specified furnishings prioritize quality and longevity you can trust.
- Know exactly where to put items in your new space, down to the inch…& half-inch sometimes!
- Take pride in creating your project at your own pace & with guaranteed success.
- Enjoy results that bring personalized functionality, beauty, & ease into your home.
In other words — it’s a build-your-own-version of Luxury Design! It all depends on how much of our help you’d like to invest in, and how much time you have to pull your project together on your own! That’s where we meet you.
P.S. Why else is Virtual Design the way of the future? From our side as designers, the high demand for our services and the long lead times for 1-on-1 support have made our wait-list lengthy and slow-moving. Offering Virtual Design allows us to serve more clients, creating broader impact and empowering women all over the country!

So…how does Virtual Design work?
Step 1: Discovery
We’ll start by giving you a detailed questionnaire and specific instructions for photographing/measuring your space. Then, we’ll host our Kick Off meeting on Zoom, where we ask all the important questions. If you’re local to San Antonio, we can conduct this meeting and measure your space in person.
Step 2: Design
Then, we get to work in our studio. We create technical drawings and renderings and source the materials and furnishings that will create the look. You won’t see much during this step, but a TON is happening behind the scenes!
Note: All of our selections are available through retail, although San Antonio locals will have the option to shop through our exclusive trade showroom if they would like. (Read more about Shop the Showroom here!)
Step 3: Presentation
4-6 weeks later, we have a Concept Meeting over Zoom (or in-person) to present you with the Design Concept & your complete shopping list. Then, you’ll have everything you need in one place:
- Easily followable and custom space plan, down to the inch!
- Renderings, sourced items, & resources
- Simple order management capabilities through our Online Studio
- Our guidebook, sharing a guide to styling & other project tips
- Options for San Antonio locals to Shop Our Showroom or add on a Styling Session
- Overall: The recipe for a complete design that looks, feels & functions beautifully!
If you have opted for our Shop the Showroom Add-On, we will meet you at our trade showroom to sit on sofas, select custom fabrics for upholstery, and review case goods and lighting.
Step 4: Implementation
Now, the ball is in your court! You have everything you need to procure your items and install the final space exactly like we would — because we’ve clearly laid out how!
At this point, if you’re local to San Antonio and want to add on a Styling Day after your furniture arrives, we would be delighted to come to your home and layer in those final accessories that make the space feel totally finished. Not local? That’s okay! You’ll have our Styling Guide to follow and make it look incredible on your own.

Add-On Options for San Antonio Locals
Though not essential to a successful project, San Antonio locals also have several options for getting more of our hands-on support, if desired. These include:
Measuring Day: Instead of sending us your room measurements, we’ll come out and measure the space for you.
Shop the Showroom: Want to shop our designer-only vendors, receive luxury goods & white glove delivery, but not deal with all the pricey fees that come with having a design team buy & bill for every last plant & side table? Shop the Showroom.
Styling Session: Reached the end and want a final styling layer, beyond what we have in the plans? We’ll add in the final layer of accessories with that special designer touch.
If you’re ready to fall in love with Virtual Interior Design, reach out to us here.
Styleberry Creative Interiors specializes in fresh, relaxed design crafted in a meaningful way. With a team and process you can trust, we’ll help you create soul-soothing spaces that inspire you to unwind, connect, and finally… exhale. Our studio is based in downtown San Antonio, Texas and serves clients in the Alamo Heights, Olmos Park, and greater San Antonio Metropolitan areas, as well as Nationwide.