Can a rug change how kids play?
It’s September…& we survived summer! I don’t know about you, but summer is tricky for me. Irregular schedules, no daily childcare routines that remain the same week to week, and work that must get done. What a blessing to have this challenge! But challenge, it was. We were able to get away from San Antonio for a short while and reconnect as a family, and I cleared my head. I put work down for the first time in a year and am back, and refreshed!

Now that school is back in session, I am all caught up. Caught up and ready to write new words on a new blog to share some of the small things that we care about here at styleberry!
This summer I learned a giant lesson in my own home. While I am obsessed with picking the perfect materials in my clients’ homes, I dropped the ball in my own playroom, and chose beauty over function. (travesty!!) I picked the loveliest rug for my playroom. It was textural and oh-so-boho. I love the vibe. My kids? Not so much.

I was consistently frustrated that their mess, I mean play, kept spilling off the rug into walkways and spaces other than the giant 11×14′ rectangle that was designated for their play. & one day my kids finally came to me and made their case:
“Mom. We cannot play on this rug.”
“Yeah, it is too fluffy and I cannot build my train tracks”
“None of our lego people stand up and we always play in the walkway because we cannot play on the rug.”
OUCH. For real? I am an INTERIOR DESIGNER. I pick products for a living! I know all the best places to get all the most perfect rugs…yet I failed in my own home. How does this happen?!
(Truth: beauty can blind us!)

Within the week I ordered a new rug. It was a bit smaller, low pile and soft enough to accommodate little bodies rolling and scooting around, from one little lego town to the next. No more texture. No more shedding. No more walkway mess. My frustration was GONE…because I finally selected the right rug.

Sometimes it takes a moment like this to remember why we put things in our homes. Should they be beautiful? YES! Should we love them? YES! Should function be carefully considered? YES YES YES!!
Maybe you have made the same mistake. Maybe you need some tips and guidance? Let us help. We’ve created a guide to help you and put together a list of 5 Steps to Creating a Relaxing Space with Rugs.
Why focus on a “relaxing space” you ask?
Because we believe home should be the ultimate place of peace and comfort. Choosing the right material for each of your spaces helps you relax in so many ways.
Food on the rug? CHILL. You picked the right material for easy clean up. Giant space? RELAX. You picked the right layers to get the most bang for your buck. Trains running smoothly on those lego tracks? WHEW. You did it. Perfect pile height selection.

Let us help…& go grab your copy: How to Create a Relaxing Space with Rugs. (Look for the charcoal box below for your download!)