Styleberry E-Design Services for Social Distancing
This week we are challenged: can we do everything we used to do, from HOME?
Teachers are scrambling to keep educating kids. Parents are working to calm them. Employees are trying to do the best job they can, remotely. Small business owners are doing everything possible to pay employees and keep the lights on, in hopes we can somehow come through this, and still have a company. What happens in the next several weeks will matter for years to come. We can shut down, or we can get creative. And around here, we’re working overtime to create new ways to help.

It is my job, as the leader of Styleberry, to find a bright spot in this mess, spot hope and possibility, and pivot. We’re pivoting hard, and we’re pivoting fast. And we have created new ways to serve you right where you are.
We are determined to help you love that home you’re (stuck) in.
Above all we have learned this week as a country, is the incredible value of HOME. We are there all day, evaluating how it works, how it looks. We’re desperate for a new view. What small things can we change to make it look better, feel better, work better?
This is where we can help.
I have always had enough work here in San Antonio that kept me from jumping into a business model that included remote work. Recently, I shared why we don’t do E-Design, but I have spent hours evaluating not what we can’t do, but rather what we CAN do. Nothing will replace stepping in your front door and giving you a hug. But if that isn’t an option, is it best to say “No, we can’t,” or is it better to say, “Let’s try this another way.”
I have decided, for a limited time, we’re going to try this another way.
I love my job, and I love my employees. The only way for us to stay afloat during this time is to try. We think something beautiful can come out of this: we can serve an entirely new collection of people, whom we’ve never had the capacity to serve before. I have been asked to offer E-Design for years, and now, we are.
What does that look like? What does that feel like?
We have worked remotely, and it was positive and fun experience, and also very successful. Heck, my favorite kitchen of my career so far, The Peacock Farm Project, was designed and executed remotely, as we live a thousand miles apart.
So what exactly does Styleberry do now?
Meet our E-Services! This week are launching two new ways to help, at less than half the price that they would be in a regular market:

If you have a project idea that does not fit into one of these boxes, please contact us here. In an effort to continue to pay (and keep!) my amazing employees, we are offering these heavily discounted E-Services and are open to considering any E-Design projects at this time.
We want to help you love your home, and we know we can. We have ideas upon ideas to share that will help you execute projects you can do at home, with what you have. We have resources that will help deliver to you what you need, to make changes that will lift your spirits. Nothing feels better than looking around and loving what you see. Nothing is more important than HOME.
Please also know how much your support means to us during this challenging time. I am foregoing my salary to support my team and my company right now. Every penny you invest with us is going to support the women who make this company what it is. I want to keep them with me, and I am doing everything I possibly can to get us through this. I am grateful for you. Thank you for cheering us on as we navigate this unprecedented challenge. More from my heart here.
Styleberry Creative Interiors is a Full Service Interior Design Firm based in downtown San Antonio, Texas, specializing in fresh, relaxed design completed in a thoughtful, caring way. With a team & design process you can trust, we’ll create a space and experience that will help you finally exhale.