How to Warm Up Gray Floors Without Replacing Them

Do you remember about 20 years ago when gray was everywhere? HGTV made everyone think that gray was it, the pinnacle of design. Color was eliminated from interiors, & every home featured a monochrome color palette. 

I understand the appeal… sort of. After the Tuscan era of the early 2000s — think rich reds, dark leather, & deep golden browns — the industry swung in the opposite direction. At the time, gray must have felt light, fresh, & airy by comparison. (If you made a gray design choice for your home, there’s no shame in that!)

But now, the design industry has evolved again. We’ve seen an industry-wide shift back to color & warmth, and I am so here for it! 

Where do you have unwelcome shades of gray sticking around?

To be fair, gray still has its place, but it should be used as an accent, not the main event. The #1 culprit of making a room feel too cold & sterile is (did the title give it away?)… gray floors. Flooring takes up a ton of surface area, making a little bit of gray feel like a LOT. 

Today, we’ll focus on warming up rooms that have gray floors, but the advice I’m sharing could be applied to the other too-gray scenarios, too. Your kitchen countertops. Your bathroom tile. Large, gray furniture. Here’s a great example:

BEFORE: Our clients’ Mediterranean-inspired home had — & still has — thick tile floors, with this stormy gray color that dominates the spaces. How can we warm it up? Keep reading…

Step 1: Start from scratch or refresh?

If you’re lucky enough & willing to start from scratch, do it! That is the surest way to achieve the look, feel, and functionality that fits you & your family best. If you aren’t eager to invest in new flooring (or deal with hiring someone to remove the old floors), there is likely a way to work with what you have. 

P.S. If you’re on the fence about the decision & considering working with us on the design, we’re happy to weigh in on your home’s potential, the investment you’re likely to face in either scenario, & which choice makes the most sense for your goals. You can book a Discovery Call with us here.

Step 2: Determine your gray floors’ undertone

You may be thinking, “What makes gray so tricky? It’s a neutral, right?” Nope. Believe it or not, gray actually has a multitude of undertones that range from blue to lavender to yellow, making it far from neutral. If you’re looking for a culprit for feeling “stuck” when trying to fix gray yourself, the undertones are to blame. 

This is why matching new elements to your gray’s undertone is incredibly difficult to do without a trained designer eye. Understanding the undertone of your specific gray determines the correct path forward — a blue undertone will lead to very different design options than yellow or lavender. 

Step 3: Mimic the undertone with your other pieces

The theory is simple — mimic the undertone. If you have a cool gray, staying in the cool zone is a requirement. & the same goes for warm gray. Opposite tones just don’t play nice together – they will always contrast instead of coordinate, making them stand out & appear severe.

(The biggest mistake we see is the addition of cognac or warm leather or wood with a cool gray. It’s not your fault — there is virtually no way to make it look good!)

WARM GRAY: The flooring in the Brahan Project is what we call a “warm” gray. We complemented it by adding earthy hues: a neutral sofa, warm wood tones, & beautiful, multi-colored rugs.
COOL GRAY: We opted for cool beiges in this room to match the cool gray floors & doors of our Waterford Project: rugs, upholstered chairs, & light fixture. A touch of texture tops off the space with a cozy vibe.

Which materials & pieces help warm things up?

Area Rugs: “That rug really tied the room together, did it not?” The Big Lebowski was right all along, my friends. A great rug will give you the opportunity to bring in a mix of tones in one place, creating harmony.

Jute Material: Including a jute rug in your design will help create an important layer of texture & warmth, especially if combined with another rug strategically. Layering is your friend.

Neutral Wood Hues: Wood elements will always naturally warm up a space. The one rule? Again, be sure to choose a wood that has the same undertone as your gray. If your undertone is blue, add a woven basket or piece of furniture in a cooler wood tone. If your gray’s undertone is violet, you can lean towards leather or woven woods with a taupe undertone.

Is the color gray dating your home?

I know I really put gray through the wringer today, but the hue is not all bad. We use it all the time — strategically. When used in moderation, gray can be beautiful & timeless, and an expert eye can help it feel relevant rather than like a bad, TV-inspired makeover. 

Believe it or not, the taupe-gray floors in our Emerald Forest Project were intentional! We warmed them up for a beige-y gray feel with light wood tones, rugs, & plenty of texture.

Need support working with (or against) the gray in your home?

This might sound all well & good to you, but if you’re stuck back at step 1 of determining your undertone, you’re definitely not alone. To be completely honest, it is hard, especially if you’re not experienced with color analysis. & even if you’re sure of your gray’s undertone, are you really certain about the tones of the items you want to add in?

This is the perfect situation to call on the help of a designer. It takes a solid strategy to keep the gray from taking over, & a designer trained in color theory (it’s me, hi) is the expert you need to ensure harmony in your new design. 

Reach out to us, & let’s bring some warmth into your space through fabrics, furnishings, & other decor that create your most relaxed & meaningful interiors.


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